Sunday, October 31, 2010

Planning for a purchase


Item: I-pad

Price: $829

Jobs I can do:

1.Baby sitting($15 an hour)
2.Take a walk with neighbors' dogs($15 an hour)
3.Teach my younger brother($20 an hour from my parents)

My estimate of time:

 Baby sitting 3 hours a week + taking a walk with neighbors' dogs 2 hours a week + teaching my younger brother 3 hours a week= $135 a week. so I would earn $945 in 7 weeks. It would be enough for me to pay for thing I want and get $116 left.

How I will avoid temptation:

 I would only think of my I-pad I would get after 7 weeks and erase all the other things I have been longing for. And also I'd try not to watch TV commercial.

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