Sunday, October 10, 2010

Conflicts in the novel

                           Character vs. Self
This is the picture of a womwan dispressed of herself.
Maybe, she has a low self-esteem, just like the main character
in 'Jacob have I love'.
Louise has a low self-esteem. She is dipressed about herself.

Character vs. Character
This is the picture of two people fighting.
They might have conflicts between them.
It looks similar to relationship between Loise and Caroline.

Character vs. Nature
 This is the picture people getting disadvantages by nature.
In this novel, hurricane hits Rass Island.
And by the hurricane, many problems happen.

1 comment:

  1. These are really great pictures! You did a nice job on this homework assignment. These pictures represent some of the major conflicts throughout the novel. For next time, try to write a little bit more about each picture and how it relates to what is happening in the novel. Great job!!
