Sunday, October 17, 2010

GDP of two countries

 GDP: $341.25 Billion /year
 GDP: $62,118 /year
 I chose Denmark for one of my countries. Denmark has a quite high GDP and GDP per captia per year. Denmark is surrounded by many developed countries such as England, Germany and France. These advanced countries would have effected a lot to Denmark and make Denmark developed as well. By looking at this point, we can see that the loction makes the country developed of undeveloped.

GDP:$5.26 Billion /year
GDP per captia:$1,991 /year
 I chose Mongolia for one of my countries. Mongolia has a really low GDP and a low GDP per captia as well. Mongoia is a dried country. So there are actually not many things to produce there. By looking at this point, we can know that whether effects the GDP of the country.

1 comment:

  1. Irene,

    This is a really great comparison of two countries and how their surrounding environment can affect their GDPs. Wonderful job!
