#1: Rations of supplies
1) What is a ration of something?
- Rationing is an artificial restriction of demand.
2) What is the purpose of rationing an item?
- The purpose of rationing was to produce many people many goods with coupons.
3) What was rationed during world war 2?
- Tires, cars, bicycles, gasoline, fuel oil, solid fuels, stoves, rubber foot wear, sugar, coffee, and many foods.
4) Where is the idea of rationing present in Jacob have I loved?
- Milk in captain's house.
5) How does your pictire represent rationing?
- This is the rationing coupon.
#2: The GI Bill
1) What was the GI Bill?
- It is an omnimus bill that provided college or vocational education for returning World War II veterans.
2) What was this bill's original name?
- It is the Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944.
3) Who signed this bill into law? When did this happen?
- President Franklin Delano Roosevelt signed this bill into law and this happened in On June 22, 1944.
4) What was this bill intended to do?
- It was to give education to people who fought in the World War II.
5) Do you think it was good or bad? - I think it was a good idea to give World War II veterans education after the war.
6)Who does this bill effect in the novel?
- Call gets this bill effect in the novel.
7) How does your picture represent the GI Bill?
- It shows the soldier from the war studying.
#3: D-Day( the Normandy Landings)
1) What was D-Day? When and Where did it happen?
- D-Day is the Normandy Landings. It happened on Tuesday, 6 June 1944, at 6:30 AM at Mrmandy, France.
2) What was the purpose of D-Day?
- The main purpose of D-Day was to established an Allied beachhead in northern Europe.
3) Was D-Day succesful? Why or why not?
- D-Day was successful because of sheer miracles, the German's unpreparedness......etc.
4) How would you have felt if you were a D-Day soldier?
- I would have been certain that Germans to lose.
5) How many soldiers died in D-Day?
- About 10000 were killed, wounded, missing, or captured in Allied and 9000 were killed, wounded, missing, or captured in Axis.
6) How does D-Day affect the characters of the novel?
- Call gets higher percentage to come back from war safely.
7) How does your picture represent D-Day?
- This shows D-Day soldiers landing at Normandy, France.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Planning for a purchase
Item: I-pad
Price: $829
Jobs I can do:
1.Baby sitting($15 an hour)
2.Take a walk with neighbors' dogs($15 an hour)
3.Teach my younger brother($20 an hour from my parents)
My estimate of time:
Baby sitting 3 hours a week + taking a walk with neighbors' dogs 2 hours a week + teaching my younger brother 3 hours a week= $135 a week. so I would earn $945 in 7 weeks. It would be enough for me to pay for thing I want and get $116 left.
How I will avoid temptation:
I would only think of my I-pad I would get after 7 weeks and erase all the other things I have been longing for. And also I'd try not to watch TV commercial.
Item: I-pad
Price: $829
Jobs I can do:
1.Baby sitting($15 an hour)
2.Take a walk with neighbors' dogs($15 an hour)
3.Teach my younger brother($20 an hour from my parents)
My estimate of time:
Baby sitting 3 hours a week + taking a walk with neighbors' dogs 2 hours a week + teaching my younger brother 3 hours a week= $135 a week. so I would earn $945 in 7 weeks. It would be enough for me to pay for thing I want and get $116 left.
How I will avoid temptation:
I would only think of my I-pad I would get after 7 weeks and erase all the other things I have been longing for. And also I'd try not to watch TV commercial.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Character Connections
Character I chose: Caroline Bradshaw
Discriptive Traits: 1.Popular 2.Selfish 3.Kind
How I can relate:
1. Caroline is very popular girl in Rass Island. Because she is pretty, smart, good at singing, just perfect. I can relate to Caroline in this way because I try to be perfect like Caroline.
2. Caroline is very selfish to Louise sometimes. I am also selfish to by brother. In this way, I think I am similar to Caroline.
3. Caroline is usually kind to everyone. I am not the type of a kind person, but I try to be looked kind, ar least. I can be related to Caroline with this.
Discriptive Traits: 1.Popular 2.Selfish 3.Kind
How I can relate:
1. Caroline is very popular girl in Rass Island. Because she is pretty, smart, good at singing, just perfect. I can relate to Caroline in this way because I try to be perfect like Caroline.
2. Caroline is very selfish to Louise sometimes. I am also selfish to by brother. In this way, I think I am similar to Caroline.
3. Caroline is usually kind to everyone. I am not the type of a kind person, but I try to be looked kind, ar least. I can be related to Caroline with this.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
GDP of two countries

GDP: $341.25 Billion /year
GDP: $62,118 /year
I chose Denmark for one of my countries. Denmark has a quite high GDP and GDP per captia per year. Denmark is surrounded by many developed countries such as England, Germany and France. These advanced countries would have effected a lot to Denmark and make Denmark developed as well. By looking at this point, we can see that the loction makes the country developed of undeveloped.

GDP:$5.26 Billion /year
GDP per captia:$1,991 /year
I chose Mongolia for one of my countries. Mongolia has a really low GDP and a low GDP per captia as well. Mongoia is a dried country. So there are actually not many things to produce there. By looking at this point, we can know that whether effects the GDP of the country.
Friday, October 15, 2010
My solution
Option 1
If I was caroline, I would first think what Loise's problem is. It wouldn't be hard to know that Loise is jealous of me(Caroline). I would feel very terrible. I would wish loise to be just the same as me so there wouldn't be any differences between me and her. To solve this problem, I would try to talk to Louise. But I can be sure that she wouldn't allow me talk with her. So, I would write the letter having my real thoughts and feelings to make my sister moved. If my sister seems to be impressed with my letter, I would talk to her really carefully and not hurt her feeling. And then, I'd persuade her and everything would be okay.
(Maybe not this easy..........)
If I was caroline, I would first think what Loise's problem is. It wouldn't be hard to know that Loise is jealous of me(Caroline). I would feel very terrible. I would wish loise to be just the same as me so there wouldn't be any differences between me and her. To solve this problem, I would try to talk to Louise. But I can be sure that she wouldn't allow me talk with her. So, I would write the letter having my real thoughts and feelings to make my sister moved. If my sister seems to be impressed with my letter, I would talk to her really carefully and not hurt her feeling. And then, I'd persuade her and everything would be okay.
(Maybe not this easy..........)
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Conflicts in the novel

This is the picture of a womwan dispressed of herself.
Maybe, she has a low self-esteem, just like the main character
in 'Jacob have I love'.
Louise has a low self-esteem. She is dipressed about herself.
This is the picture of two people fighting.
They might have conflicts between them.
It looks similar to relationship between Loise and Caroline.
This is the picture people getting disadvantages by nature.
In this novel, hurricane hits Rass Island.
And by the hurricane, many problems happen.
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